Kill Shakespeare
by Conor McCreery and Anthony Del Col
Shakespeare’s greatest heroes and fiercest villains must do battle to be the first to find the reclusive wizard: William Shakespeare. They must decide his fate: to save or to kill him! Kill Shakespeare offers a comic book re-envisioning of the greatest characters of all time featuring comedy, romance, and epic battles.
Production History
2017 | Edmonton International Fringe Festival
2015 | Metro Cinema
2014 | Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo
Hamlet, Parolles, Ensemble: Oscar Derkx
Lady Macbeth, Puck, Romeo, Ensemble: Alyson Dicey
Juliet, Iago, Shakespeare, Ensemble: Gianna Vacirca
Richard III, Othello, Falstaff, Ensemble: Bill Yong
Writers: Conor McCreery and Anthony Del Col
Director: Andrew Ritchie
Musical Director & Composer: Erik Mortimer
Stage Manager: Tori Morrison
Production Designer: Marlee Yule
Promotions Designer: Tynan Boyd
Cast: Alyson Dicey, Janine Waddell Hodder, Neil Kuefler, William Mitchell, Evan Smith, Ben Stevens, Gianna Vacirca, Andrew Ritchie
Writers: Conor McCreery and Anthony Del Col
Director: Mark Vetsch
Music Director & Composer: Erik Mortimer
Stage Manager: Dan Moser
Media Designer: Tynan Boyd
Audience Engagement: Marlee Yule