Thou Art Here Theatre is proud to commit to the 35//50 Initiative. This commitment will result in 35%+ of staff, artists, contractors, and board who identify as Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour, and 50%+ of staff, artists, contractors, and board who identify as female and non-binary, by the 2024/2025 theatre season.
We are committed to making a lasting and positive change in the way we produce and facilitate theatre. We are so proud to live and work in a community that takes this change seriously and holds us accountable for making positive moves in the right direction for inclusivity in our industry.
Thou Art Here was founded with the priority of giving opportunities to emerging artists who may have otherwise been overlooked. Over the past eleven years we have worked to embrace our values of immersivity, intersectionality collaboration, and education. We recognize that the 35//50 initiative speaks powerfully to the heart of these values.
This is an ongoing process, and we intend to evaluate and examine our company regularly to ensure our mission, hiring strategies, and core-values align with anti-oppressive and inclusive methods and procedures.
Below are the statistics for Thou Art Here Theatre’s leadership and contracted artists for the past few seasons.