Shake the Foundation


Thou Art Here Theatre | Found Festival | Various Site-Specific Locations | 2012-2013.

Shake the Bar. Bars & Pubs throughout Edmonton.
Shakespeare’s greatest drinking scenes performed for you and your friends at your own table. Using our ‘scene menu’ choose your favourite Shakespeare characters who will be speaking real verse and drinking real beer in real time. Scenes from Othello, Henry IV Part 1, Twelfth Night, & Taming of the Shrew

Shaky Love. Expressionz Cafe.
Shakespeare’s greatest love scenes performed intimately for you and a loved one at your own table. Scenes from Romeo & Juliet, As You Like It, & Much Ado About Nothing

The Shake Down. Remedy Cafe.
Shakespeare’s greatest revenge scenes performed all together in a high-octane, no context environment. Scenes from Macbeth, Hamlet, & Othello.

Cast: Alyson Dicey, Andrew Ritchie, Ben Stevens, Mark Vetsch
Director: Neil Kuefler (The Shake Down)